“Little Christopher” award for a social business idea!

“Little Christopher” – for Ieva Visockytė, a lyceum graduate!

In 2023 on March 11, in the Vilnius town hall (Lithuania), the Little Saint Christopher awards were presented to the students for their outstanding achievements in science, culture, art, sports and citizenship.

Among the twelve awardees is Ieva Visockytė, a student of VGTU engineering lyceum, who was awarded the “Little Christopher” award in the citizenship category. Ieva is a young social entrepreneur who, together with her team, created therapeutic self-help tools. The team led by her founded the Junior Achievement social educational student company, which won the socially responsible young company award at the European level, helped, and continues to help people in need of emotional support.

We congratulate Ieva and are proud of her valuable work!

We would like to thank Andželika Rusteikiene (Director of Lithuanian Junior Achievement), entrepreneurship and economics teacher at VGTU Engineering Lyceum, who helped Ieva and her team.


More about awards: https://vilnius.lt/lt/2023/03/11/jauniesiems-vilniaus-garsintojams-isdalinti-mazuju-kristoforu-apdovanojimai/?fbclid=IwAR2RBgbG7dKKMC4rQwsrpGpU9B0RswbYHmzP7db-bKMkODcZNU3V2GO2-ng