
Colegio Séneca S.C.A. (SPAIN)

The school was founded in 1982 in the city of Córdoba (Spain) and today it has about 700 students and a teaching staff of 50, ranging students from 3 to 16 years. So, it includes Nursery, Primary and Secondary education, as well as Support and Integration Classroom. The school fosters diversity in education and try to educate solidarity and environmentally respectful people with a high critical capacity, teamwork and compromised with innovation. These are the essential values. It is also a bilingual school.

The school has a dynamic spirit and is involved in multiple plans and projects. As regards of our ecological commitment, the school has been awarded with the prestigious prize “Bandera Verde” (Green Flag) granted for the initiatives related to the environment protection.

Sport is a very important issue in the school, and it is being canalized it through the club Decorseneca, with sections in handball, indoor football, basketball, gymnastics, etc.

The school follows the standards of quality of the European System UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008, first certified in 2007-08 and extended every year. Since that date, it is committed to be successful in the annual revision of all the teaching and learning procedures, as well as those related to the improvement of the Cooperative, so the school is exposed to annual audits. In 2019 the project “Superhero“ was awarded as the Best Educational Project in Spain by the Princess of Girona Foundation, developing the entrepreneur talent of the pupils and involving all the educative community, but also families and neighbors. “Superhero” was focused on the human values and the inner individual potential (the hero inside me) and the personal

relationships (the human aside). Colegio Séneca is a member of ACES (Andalusian Social Economy Schools Association), which includes more than 100 schools in the region. Since 2016, ACES gave the school the Seal of Educative Excellence, which acknowledges the quality in the management of the centre, offering families guaranteed services.