Mobility in Spain

14–18 March 2022


The meeting of the international Erasmus+ project “All Your Dreams Can Come True if You Have the Courage to Pursue“ took place in Cordoba, Spain, on March 14 – 18, 2022. Partners from Greece, Turkey, Spain, and Lithuania met to share their experiences, sharpen their entrepreneurial skills, and immerse themselves in engaging educational and cultural activities prepared by the host school – Colegio Séneca SCA.

On the first day, our friendly hosts escorted us to the school, where we were greeted by the school principal. The first day started with a get-acquainted game – we drew shapes on a piece of paper and told the other participants about our drawings, so we could learn about each other’s goals and interests. Later, after the presentations of the participating schools, prepared by students in advance, we delved into an entrepreneurship skills workshop led by teacher Rosario. The day was rounded off with a tour of the host school, Colegio Séneca SCA – we took a look at the classrooms, library, laboratories and the sports fields. The first day went by in a flash!

On the second day, we visited the Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos, an ancient military building in the city of Cordoba, Spain, located on one of the banks of the Guadalquivir River. Initially, it served as the residence of the Roman governor. Later, a palace for ruler of the Muslim Moors was built on its ruins. However, most of what we see today was constructed by the orders of the Spanish monarch Alfonso XI of Castile in 1328 after the successful reconquest of the city. We did not see any Moors or Kings but were warmly welcomed by a representative of the Córdoba City Council.  The participants also enjoyed an opportunity to glimpse at the remains of the Banos (Bath) del Alcazar Califal. Long time ago, the baths could be accessed directly from the Alcazar, the official royal gardens, and were used by the Caliph, his family, and guests. Official ceremonies and political meetings were held here. The excitement did not end there – the students spent the evening with Spanish families, tasting local delicacies and getting a first-hand experience of life in Spain.

After learning about the town’s history, we explored its present on Wednesday by listening to a local guide and walking through the maze of cobbled streets of the city of Cordoba. The participants visited Tendillas and Corredera Squares, walked along the banks of the Guadalquivir River by the Roman bridge, enjoyed the blossoms of the orange trees in the orange orchard of the mosque, La Mezquita, and wandered the winding streets of the Medina, the medieval Moorish town. We spent the afternoon at the school, where we learned about Lucia‘s and Marina’s business projects. Marina ties bracelets and sells them on Instagram. With the help of the Spanish students, the participants also made beaded bracelets which will remind them of the pleasant moments in Spain and the hospitality of the hosts.

Thursday was all about entrepreneurship! The first part of the day was dedicated to developing entrepreneurial and soft skills in a workshop hosted by Fiona James. The workshop provided participants with the knowledge and skills needed to make and implement sustainable decisions, to develop personal qualities that contribute to a better quality of life, and to develop attitudes that enable them to contribute constructively to the progress of their community. In the afternoon, another workshop was held – “Focusing on my client” with Jose Carlos. This engaging and fun workshop focused on students’ team building and problem-solving skills. The afternoon was spent with Spanish families, where students had a whale of time and improved their language skills – they learned some Spanish! The highlight of the evening was dinner in the Patio de la Juderia restaurant, where we tasted traditional dishes from the region, listened to live music and enjoyed the graceful movements of flamenco dancers.

On the last day we visited Madinat al-Zahra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Led by a history teacher from Colegio Séneca SCA, we explored the ruins of this former magnificent capital of the Cordoba Caliphate. Our imagination has taken us back to where 1,000 years ago, on the southern slopes of Jebel al-Arus, Madinat al-Zahra’s marble and precious metals glittered in the morning sun among the silver-leafed olive groves. Later, at the school, the participants were awarded certificates. In the evening, we met again for an emotional farewell evening.

We sincerely thank our hosts for their hospitality and look forward to the next meeting!