Entrepreneurial experience – a visit to Vilnius Coding School

Saulė and Kasparas, high school students of the VGTU engineering lyceum, delve into the theme of the “Young Entrepreneurs” project of the “Erasmus+” program – entrepreneurship and improve their entrepreneurial skills. They are helped by English teachers Lina Švilpienė and Vitalija Jankauskaitė-Jokūbaitienė.

The task is to familiarize yourself with the specifics of the chosen company’s activities.

This time it is the Vilnius Coding School, where the high school students and their accompanying teacher Lina on December 16 wewe welcomed by the company’s representative – training coordinator Liucija Ribinskaitė.

The young entrepreneurs learned a lot of interesting information about retraining, the career center and professional programmers giving lectures, they got acquainted with the company’s operating principles. The team of the lyceum was very pleasantly surprised by the modern learning and recreation spaces. The Vilnius Coding School team left a great impression with their professionalism and sincerity.

Thank you for the warm welcome and sharing of professional experience!